Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One Little Word: Blessing

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Last week I posted a little message about my one little word.
This last year my word was Remember....
This year has been a little rough around the edges. We have had some financial stress, health issues, family with health issues, teenager testing the water issues, little boys deciding to take a ride on the back of the UPS Truck issues, (LOL) luckily he was caught before the UPS man took off and has been terribly frightened of him ever since. 
Very small considering the rest of the world and the many problems that have been faced.
We have also had many blessings. We have a home in which we love and keeps us warm. We have a Dad who has a job. We have kids who get to go to school and participate in activities. We have felt on many occasions the blessings of family and friends. We have felt the immense love of Heavenly Father and used the Atonement of his Son in our lives. We have Parents and Grandparents whom we love and appreciate dearly. We have each other. We have the amazing gift of LOVE. 
This is why I decided to focus on the Blessings in my life this upcoming year.  I am a person who has seen the glass as half empty this last year....I don't like it. My sweet Mom will attest to you that I have called her almost daily in tears these last six month. NO MORE! I will seek to find the blessing in what is occurring in my life. I am willing to seek it. I long to seek it. I will treasure it when I find it. 
May this upcoming year be filled with the blessings and love that you so desire. 

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